ODPL - OD Projects Ltd
ODPL stands for OD Projects Ltd
Here you will find, what does ODPL stand for in Construction under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate OD Projects Ltd? OD Projects Ltd can be abbreviated as ODPL What does ODPL stand for? ODPL stands for OD Projects Ltd. What does OD Projects Ltd mean?The United Kingdom based company is located in Leicestershire, Leicestershire engaged in construction industry.
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Alternative definitions of ODPL
- Olive Design Pvt. Ltd
- Organic Dyes and Pigments LLC
- Offbeat Developers Private Limited
- Onset Design Pty Ltd
- Online Direct Pty Ltd.
- Optimum Design Private Limited
- On Demand Pty Ltd
- Orient Design Pte Ltd
View 14 other definitions of ODPL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- OIPBL Ottomans International Property Broker LLC
- OVBH The Old Vicarage Boutique Hotel
- OWUSA Orient Watch USA
- OPCCHIW Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire and Isle of Wight
- ORA Oysters Real Assets
- OTR Oak Tree Restaurant
- OA The Ocean Agency
- OCFM OC Funds Management
- OCSPS OCS Process Systems
- ODL Overdrive Design Limited
- OAA Oslo Apartments As
- OPEG Oxford Professional Education Group
- OVC Oakland Vet Center
- OIS Open Impact Systems
- OTF One Ten Foundation
- OLR Office of Lawyer Regulation
- OBC Office Basics Corp.
- OCCD Ottawa County Central Dispatch